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How do I analyze Dynamic Creatives?

Learn more about our dynamic creative analysis capabilities for both Facebook and TikTok.

Carissa avatar
Written by Carissa
Updated over a week ago

With Dynamic Creative ads you'll have a number of creative assets attached to one ad name, so you'll likely want to see the performance of each asset. There are a few features in Motion you can use to analyze the performance of your Dynamic Creative ads. Check out the video below for a breakdown of the features in Motion!

For a breakdown of what is covered above, here are the steps you'll want to take to assess your Dynamic Creatives!

First, you'll want to isolate your report for dynamic creatives exclusively. To do so:

  • Select 'Add filter', then select 'Ad setup', and 'Ad distribution format'

  • Then select 'Ad distribution format' is Dynamic Creative

  • Optional: If you'd like to look at the performance of just one specific group of creatives, feel free to throw on a filter for 'ad name' contains, so that you are looking at the performance of the assets in the one ad name.

At this point we'd be analyzing dynamic creatives at the ad level. However, most users will want to dive into the creative level and see within a particular dynamic creative, how is the spend being allocated and which creative is performing best? To do so:

  • Select the 'Group by' filter

  • Choose 'Creative'

If you want to assess your copy running for your dynamic creatives, feel free to swap the 'Group by' filter from 'Creative' to 'Copy' instead! Select card view as well to see the copy text.

If you still have questions, feel free to drop us a line by clicking the chat bubble on the bottom right corner and we'll get you sorted!

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