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Getting started with the LinkedIn integration (beta)

Take your B2B ads to the next level by pulling in advertising data from LinkedIn.

Ed Ilnicki avatar
Written by Ed Ilnicki
Updated this week

Beta: As a brand new feature that we're continuing to test and improve, please note that some bugs may arise. Your feedback is always valuable—let us know if something doesn't work as intended.

With the new LinkedIn integration (beta) you can extend Motion's functionality to your B2B ads!

Add LinkedIn as a data source to a workspace

Eligibility: Only members listed as 'Owner' or 'Admin' in Motion are able to enable this integration. Log into one of these member account types before moving to the next step.

To add LinkedIn as a data source to any of your workspaces:

  • Ensure you are in the workspace you want to connect LinkedIn to. Select the top left menu, and choose ‘Workspace settings

  • On the Data source tab, select ‘Connect’ next to LinkedIn, and choose your ad account.

  • You should now see LinkedIn added as a data source to the selected workspace.

Now you’re ready to start building reports with your LinkedIn ad data!

If you see a pop up message not allowing you to add LinkedIn, please reach out to our team to chat about adding an extra data source to your plan!

How to build reports using LinkedIn data

Tip: LinkedIn data currently works with Top Performing reports only, and grouped by Ad Name.

Get started with building reports in Motion for LinkedIn:

  • Click ‘Create report’, and select a Top Performing report

  • Choose the data source in the top right corner to ensure you have LinkedIn selected

  • Now select any metrics you’d like to compare to build your LinkedIn reports!

Tip: if you can't see image/video previews of your ads, open a separate browser window and log in to LinkedIn.

Pick your metrics

We've got dozens of options for your LinkedIn ads across some different categories. Here's the breakdown. 👇


  • Spend - Total amount of money you've spent on this asset

  • Impressions - The number of impressions attributed to this asset

  • Conversions - The number of times a user took a desired action after clicking or viewing this asset

  • CTR - Out of users who saw an ad, the percentage that clicked it

  • Cost per conversion - Amount spent to acquire one conversion

  • Cost per lead - Amount spent to acquire one lead

  • CPC - Average amount spent to get one click

  • CPM - Average amount spent to get 1000 impressions

  • Leads - The number of leads attributed to this asset

  • Clicks - The number of clicks attributed to this asset

  • Reactions - any reactions (like, love, support, etc.) on a sponsored update

Sponsored Message:

  • Sponsored message clicks - The number of clicks triggered on Sponsored Messaging ads

  • Opens - The number of opens of Sponsored Messaging ads

  • Sends - The number of sends of Sponsored Messaging ads

  • % opens - Of all Sponsored messages sent, the number of opens.

  • Impressions (all) - The number of impressions attributed to this asset, including message sends

  • Clicks (all) - The number of clicks attributed to this asset, including message opens

  • CPC (all) - Average amount spent to get one click or message open

  • CTR (all) - Out of users who saw an ad or received a message, the percentage that clicked it


  • Lead form opens - The number of times a user opened a lead form attributed to this asset

  • Lead form completion rate - Percentage of leads that completed the form


  • % thumbstop - Percentage of users who watched a video ad for at least 2 seconds

  • Average dwell time - How long the average viewer stays on your ad (duplicate views are counted)

  • Video plays - The number of times a video starts to play through on a click or autoplay.

  • Video views - The number of times a video ad was played for 2 or more continuous seconds

  • % video views - Number of views (two or more continuous seconds of playback) / impressions, multiplied by 100.

  • Video views at 25/50/75% - Number of times a video ad was played to at least X% of its length, including watches that skipped to this point.

  • Video views at 25/50/75% rate - Views at X% divided by plays, as a percentage.

  • Video completions - The number of times a video ad was played to at least 97% of its length

  • % video views completions - Completions divided by plays, as a percentage


  • Document views at 25/50/75% - Number of times a document was viewed to at least X% of its length, including views that skipped to this point.

  • Document completions - Number of times a document was viewed 100% of its length, including views that skipped to this point.

  • Cost per document views at 50% - Average amount spent to get one document midpoint completion

Landing page:

  • Landing page clicks

  • Landing page cost per click

  • Landing page % clicks - this is your LP click-through rate

If you need help picking the right metric for your analysis, reach out.

Given the beta nature of this integration, we'd appreciate your feedback on additional metrics that would be most useful for you—drop us a line by clicking the bubble in the bottom right corner to chat with one of our specialists!

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